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Exploring Pukerua Bay

Thomas Majure

After the first week or so with Scott, we moved to Kelvin's house on Pukerua Bay. We were met with warm welcomes from Kelvin's family and stunning views of the beach and mountains.

The view from Kelvin's front door of the Bay

Travis and I first attempted to climb a mountain in Kelvin's backyard, but were shortly met with a long barbed-wire fence. Not wanting to waste the day away inside, we shifted our focus towards the beach. After driving down a rather treacherous decline, Travis and I found ourselves on the sand. I foolishly wore my sneakers, but Travis and his sandals made it into the freezing water. Travis experienced the Pacific Ocean for the first time while I stayed on land, capturing his initial take on the Pacific (shown below).

All in all, it was a fun day out and about and the experience topped a day of lazing around on the couch by a landslide.

The view, beaches, and mountains to trek through definitely warrant future exploration of Pukerua Bay.

"How is it?" "Cold"

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